Employee Perception of the Leadership Empowerment and Its Effect on Organisational Performance

This article presents a model of how employees perception affect each organization's processes and an overall results based on their attitudes toward leadership and its effectiveness. It actually combines and integrates two parts of research, employee perception and their influence on leaders as much as they can influence motivation of employees. Their attitudes and behaviors are partially determined by wrong perceived information embedded in the internal communication. Furthermore, attitudes are influenced by attributions based on observations of each other's behavior. This kind of perception is the wall for constructive approach of those who are drivers in organizational performance. In absence of constructive perception, leadership can't be optimize and improved what has negative impact not only on the possibilities for marketing tools and its development; it has significant implications for the design, conduct and reporting of any future improvement in organizations as organization's existence depending on its employees and their perception. Social information can be operationalized by having confederate coworkers who are trained to provide specific social cues. For example, job requires personal touch more than employee's presence, it requires social employees with vision of the future as social employees can directly communicate attitudes toward leadership such is example of the millennial generations who are the most direct way of communication and indicator where organization has lacked with motivation and empowerment of own staff. Every organisation should take in consideration that the management is only one who is holding right information including top levels of the leading staff as well, what without spreading it indirectly affecting existence of own structure with the negative impact in sphere of leadership empowerment, and secondly, importance and awareness of its. Continuously working on the management knowledge, improvement throughout training and raising their awareness is not card that opens door of secure and successful future if other staff is not introduced to this topics at all. In order to make right leadership and empowered staff there must exist two way communication and collaboration. This is one more confirmation that internal communication need to be improved from the side of the top management, as they are leading this industry; paying attention more and taking care about all company's roles in pyramid of company's organization is key for successful internal communication. To make it real, company needs to give introduction to own staff with required explanations of the importance of all this tools through, trainings, guidance and necessary steps until it get positioned and understand in the way of its full power. Empowering each other is key of success for any business and company; without it organisation will lack in a good and positive performance. Very often, on a personal example we can give confirmation that perceptions of tasks and work environment are presumed to be subjective. It has been demonstrated many times that employees', individual actions and visions are not expressed completely. It is influenced as much by a social cues from coworkers and supervisors as by own non willingness for expression. From personal experience I can admit that employees relationship is much stronger in circumstances where at least once exchanged communication between certain individuals, especially if it was face to face communication what further more enable this individuals to make virtual communication as well, easier than in cases where didn't happened communication at all. All this tend to be way of possible empowerment for employees that are less involved and invisible from the side of management even if their performance is beneficial with positive outcome. Overall of personal relationships in hospitality organisations are divided in two groups, very closed coworkers and coworkers, without any kind of communication, except shared working environment. As more as they know each other's personally, in the professionally way is more easier to be achieved better engagement and more evident, where is not presented personal touch, communication does not exist at all. Without their interaction through collaboration team building activities are hardly possible, what in my personal opinion is what first company must make happen real. Providing coworkers with activities where they must be included, choose ones that do not communicate professionally, those who do not know each other's at all and personally make them more familiar with each other's. Even sometimes is needed that this kind of collaboration being invisible forced and by that to make them to indirectly get to know better each other's, own strengthens and weakness. The more interaction and contact they had with the team and further the more informed they were about what is happening in their working environment. This will provide all predispositions for right empowering tools, inclusion and better perceived leadership. 

Le tre aree sulle quali un operatore turistico dovrebbe investire nei prossimi cinque anni

1. Tecnologia. Quando si parla di tecnologia applicata al mondo dell’hospitality (o a qualsiasi altro settore), ci si riferisce ad un insieme di strumenti talmente ampio, da rendere praticamente impossibile impostare un discorso che possa essere contenuto in poche righe. Ecco perché qui mi concentrerò soltanto su una nuova invenzione: l’Internet of Things.

Turismo cultural vs turismo de masa

El turismo de masa, o “fordista”, aparece a partir de finales de la segunda guerra mundial, cuando, gracias al desarrollo económico, al mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida, y sobre todo a la difusión de la motorización de masa y al mejoramiento del transporte civil, una ola de gente que nunca se había visto antes se dirige hacia las costas del mediterráneo. Sobre todo la gente nórdica, invadió las costas de España, de la Costa Azul, de Italia, y después de Dalmacia y Grecia, buscando sol y calor. Otros grupos de gente, aunque en medida menor, se registró en los Alpes, donde los turistas buscaban un clima fresco; y en las grandes ciudades europeas, ricas de atracciones como edificios históricos, arte y muchas ocasiones de diversión.

La SWOT Analysis

Come abbiamo già visto nell’articolo precedente, fra i passaggi necessari alla scrittura di un marketing plan per un’azienda già avviata o una nuova startup, vi è l’impiego della SWOT analysis. La sua compilazione va effettuata, nel caso di un’impresa già operativa, dopo aver stabilito se si sta procedendo nella direzione giusta (ricorrendo ad esempio, alla Matrice di Boston); mentre se ci si sta occupando di una startup, essa può costituire l’unico passaggio dell’analisi della situazione attuale. La SWOT analysis consente, in un modo semplice e fattibile da chiunque, l’identificazione di tutti i fattori relazionati allo sviluppo futuro di qualsiasi tipologia di business, nonché l’elaborazione di alcune strategie per sfruttare tali fattori a proprio vantaggio.

La Matrice di Boston

La stesura di un buon marketing plan, è alla base del successo di qualsiasi tipologia di business in ambito turistico e non. Fra i vari passaggi che vanno affrontati affinché esso possa definirsi completo, vi è l’analisi della situazione attuale: che può essere composta da diverse parti a seconda della tipologia dell’azienda sotto esame. Se questa è già operativa da un determinato periodo di tempo, si dovrà anzi tutto capire se si sta procedendo nella direzione giusta, scoprendo se e come ci si è posizionati in un mercato proficuo. Lo step successivo sarà l’analisi dei fattori che influiscono sulla sua crescita, e lo strumento in assoluto più utilizzato a tale scopo è la SWOT analysis. Nel caso in cui l’azienda sia una nuova startup, ovviamente si passerà direttamente all’ultimo punto, del quale se ne parlerà nei prossimi articoli.

Benefits of Social Media Marketing in Hospitality Organisation

Social media possess numerous number of implications for the hospitality industry including guests, staff and management. Bearing in mind audience that “Facebook reached of 1 billion users worldwide in the fourth quarter of 2012, and by the middle of 2013 are over 1.1 billion what includes just personal and brand/ business members”(Jordan Mills, 2013).

Social Media - Hospitality in the Digital Age

Technology revolution has developed new approaches and has changed way of the living in our society. Communication has turned into new approach based on the technological generation of millennials and its new social world where traditional communication losing its origin value or even in some cases doesn’t have value at all. Our environment has new image, image that just twenty years ago wasn’t possible to imagine. Simply, world became social and we are its main drivers, either older or younger generation, we need to adopt to the circumstances that social world brought with.

Tourism in Sicily: current situation and challenges for the future

In order to analyze current situation and prospects for tourism in Sicily, statistical informations about tourist arrivals and presences in local accommodation are given in table 1.

What is destination marketing?

A tourist destination, is just a place that attract visitors from somewhere for a limited period of time. We can use this word referring to a small or big portion of space, describing for example a small village, a big city, a country etc. Anyway, a part from the place itself, this word includes as well all the experiences and services offered to the visitors.

Il Community-Based Tourism (CBT) come fonte di opportunità per i borghi italiani

Cefalù, Sicilia.
Recentemente, questa tipologia di turismo sta diventando sempre più popolare fra i turisti europei: in particolare Francia, Germania, Spagna, Olanda e Regno Unito, rappresentano i paesi con la più alta concentrazione di viaggiatori CBT.